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    Sold in vast numbers and differing types, meat is one of the most versatile  main food ingredients, where each part of the animal can be used as a food source 

    From tongue to liver and kidney to loin, meat products are commonplace in fast food or fine dining restaurants, hotels and even on school lunch menus. 



  • Quality characteristics

    Not all meat types or meat cuts are of good quality, hence it is important to know what factors distinguish the good from the bad. Meat qualities are often defined by traits such as firmness, juiciness, appearance, odour, tenderness and taste. A good meat has a uniform colour throughout; it has marbling which is defined as streaks of fat found within the red meat.  Meats with higher levels of fat tend to be more juicy and flavoursome.


    Good meat has a delicate smell which is unique to the specific meat type. Any foul or strange odour signifies decay.


    Meat should also be tender and firm when held or touched and must not be too soft or tough. The age of the animal also plays an important part in the overall taste, appearance and grade of meat - the younger the animal, the more tender the meat and subtle the flavour; while the older the meat, the more firm and flavoursome. It is also worth noting that each different meat type has its own specific taste.

  • Ensuring a good product

    • It is important to know the shelf-life of meat – anything beyond its best before date could be damaging to one’s health
    • Before cooking, check the freshness of the meat. Colour is the best indicator of quality – ranging from pink to reddish brown. Meat that has turned grey or very dark brown in colour should not be used.
    • Meat should not be preserved by overwrapping – this will shorten its shelf life. Instead, meat should be loosely wrapped and refrigerated at a low temperature
    • For longer preservation, meat can also be canned or salted, dried , or cooked under a very high temperature
    • Before handling or wrapping meat, hands should be washed thoroughly to avoid the spread of germs and bacteria
    • Certain meats can be tenderised to soften its texture before cooking

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