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    The word dessert is a French term that appeared in the late 14th century but gained momentum in the 1900s

    Its origins come from the verb “desservir”, which meant to clear what has been served. It was set out once the main meal had been completed, a practice which is still done today. Desserts are comprised mainly of sweet, delicious and tasty things, and range from custards, cakes and pies to frozen desserts, pastries, chocolates and sweets. 



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  • Traditional desserts

    Malva pudding

    This is a pudding of Dutch origin that is sweet and normally served hot with either custard or ice-cream. It is a common traditional South African dessert of spongy consistency, made with apricot jam, flour, sugar, and milk.


    This is a very flat and round cake, made of flour, water or milk, eggs and salt. They are cooked on a hot surface in either oil or butter and commonly served with cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice.


    This dessert is a rich golden colour, which is very sticky and sweet. Its main ingredients include flour and sugar syrup. They are made by sautéing the dough strips in oil then immersing the hot fried dough in cold sugar sauce.

    Christmas pudding

    This is a plum pudding that could be served at either warm or cold temperatures most commonly over the Christmas period. The main ingredients are sugar, suet and treacle, with dried fruit held together by the other main ingredients. Christmas puddings are aged for long periods of time (between a month and a year) before being served.

    Bread and butter pudding

    This is a traditional pudding that originated in the United Kingdom. Its main ingredients include bread, eggs, milk, raisins and spices. It is prepared by buttering the bread, scattering it with raisins then coating the slices with a custard mixture before baking in an oven.

    Sago pudding

    This traditional pudding’s main ingredient is sago - an edible starch that is found in palm. It is prepared by boiling the sago with water or milk, after which sugar is added and any other seasonings of one’s choice.

  • Quality characteristics

    It is very important for desserts to look just as delicious as they taste – they should be of an impressive design and served on clean plates in a neat fashion. If the dessert is meant to serve several people however, it shouldn’t be too intricate or delicate to cut or slice. Each dessert should be representative of the type of dessert it is in terms of its textures, flavours and overall appeal.

  • Uses of desserts
    • Served at the end of a three-course meal, or part of a four-course meal
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    • Served at the end of a three-course meal, or part of a four-course meal
    • Served as at weddings, often in the form of  wedding cake
    • Business conventions serving sweet meals to their audiences
    • Lunch and dinner dates
    • Tea wouldn’t be tea without a dessert type treat
    • Party menus often include sweet dishes
    • Snacks – not the healthiest option, but a real treat
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  • Ensuring a good product

    • It is important that the exact method for preparing a certain dessert is followed .
    • The foundation should also be firm so as to support the dessert without it falling apart.
    • To get the desired tastes, it is important that the desserts be prepared from fresh ingredients.
    • The dessert should be a combination of balanced and distinct textures such as the pavlova crowned with fruit or the crisp puff pastry.
    • Contrasting flavors help enrich the taste such as chocolate and mango.
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