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    The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) has been put in place to regulate the health and safety of individuals and their activities within the work environment.

    It governs both individuals, their actions and the work place environment as a whole. The Act requires employers to take responsibility for all processes, training, communication and monitoring of health and safety within the workplace; adequate preventative measures and the supervision of such being a requirement of the Act. Beyond employer responsibilities, every employee should ensure their own actions are lawful, reporting on any issue in a preventative manner and in an attempt to ensure the safety of others within the workplace - such reporting should be welcomed by any organisation and those reporting incidents should be supported and not victimised. Hospitality establishments, through workers cooperation and commitment, can actively make workplaces healthy and safe places to work in.   


  • Consequences of bad hygiene

    The reason why hospitality establishments have a legal obligation to uphold health and safety standards within their operating environment is because the consequences of poor hygiene are life threatening; especially amongst the young and elderly. At an individual level, poor personal hygiene, are not acceptable as they increase the chance of contaminants (potentially harmful bacteria) entering the workplace. Viruses and infections commonly associated with poor sanitation and personal hygiene are things like Cholera, diarrhoea, Salmonella and are a costly threat to public health. 

  • Penalties for failing to comply

    Offences associated with failing to comply with the OHSA range are wide ranging, covering everything from contravening rules and regulations, hindering an officer or inspector from performing his/her duties, failure / incorrect use of safety equipment at work and failure to maintain or enforce act amendments on a regular basis. The consequences for establishments who fail to comply are huge; premises can be closed, jobs can be lost, hefty fines can be imposed and even criminal prosecution may result in prison sentences.

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