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  • First impressions are critical to making a guest’s experience the best it can be.

    Consideration must be given to a wide range of factors beyond the food and the way it is presented. A guest’s welcome, the appearance of the staff, the atmosphere (lighting, music), the table decorations and the cleanliness of a venue are all going to effect the overall guest experience.


  • Rules for preparing a buffet setting

    • Provide enough space - the buffet tables should be easily accessible to all and be designed to flow from start to end.
    • Keep food and drink separate - guests will revisit a drinks table so it should be accessible and not get in the way of providing food.
    • Plates should be the first item on the buffet table (if not on the guests’ dining tables already).
    • Hot food items should be displayed before the cold.
    • Cutlery should be the last item on the buffet (this is where additional cutlery can be offered if not on the guests’ dining tables already).
    • Don't clutter the table - it should be visually appealing and allow the guests to access their choice of food easily.
    • If possible, use a range of serving dishes to help your design.
    • Clearly label the food so that guests know exactly what food is on offer.
    • Make sure the guests’ dining tables are set up correctly – as a basic rule, this should include clean table linen, salt and pepper (and other condiments if relevant), basic cutlery, glassware and side plates.
  • Personal appearance

    As 'service' is part of the customer experience, staff members should be mindful to:

    • Wear a uniform - this helps to identify and group service staff
    • The uniform must be clean, ironed, well fitting and not worn out
    • Shoes must fit with the uniform and be in good repair
    • Personal hygiene is very important - being clean and groomed is a must
    • Overly strong  perfumes and  aftershaves should be avoided
    • Jewellery, watches and even hairstyles should be conservative

    As 'service' is part of the customer experience, staff members should be mindful to:

    -          Wear a uniform - this helps to identify and group service staff

    -          The uniform must be clean, ironed, well fitting and not worn out

    -          Shoes must fit with the uniform and be in good repair

    -          Personal hygiene is very important - being clean and groomed is a must

    -          Overly strong  perfumes and  aftershaves should be avoided

    -          Jewellery, watches and even hairstyles should be conservative


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