
  •     Web Activities - 5 lesson ideas for each module   


    Web users may also wish to engage with more challenging activities that make use of Obami's other applications (e.g. Newsfeeds, Blogs, Media and more). Why not try out some of the activities described below...


     Web Activity 1: 

    Create your own Creative Commons portal on Obami. Get your students to source images from flickr (Creative Commons), and upload them to the portal's forum - ask them to describe the license alongside.

    Learning Objective: To highlight the concept of using images without copyright infringement. Gauge the understanding of OpenMe_ licenses. 


     Web Activity 2: 

    Ask the learners to create their own portals, in which they can post a short story. Limit the story to 100 words and start it with "Once upon a time in a ...". Make sure the learners use the following words in their story: Adventure, Gold, Surprise, Wise Old Man.

    Working in pairs/group? Get the learners to work in pairs or as part of a small group undertake.

    Learning Objective: To highlight how hard it is to copyright an idea even if certain elements or resources are specific to the 'product'.  


     Web Activity 3: 

    Draw a quick doodle and add it to a hat. Then, get individuals to pick out a doodle from the hat. The individual who picks the image out of the hat should then i) Ask...who owns it, ii) Acknowledge...the person who owns it, iii) reworking the material and creating something individual; in short, adding value. (Creativity can go wild here!)

    Working in pairs/group? Get the learners to work in pairs or as part of a small group undertake the above. Remind the learner to give consideration to the three A's - Ask, Acknowledge, Add-Value.

    Learning Objective: To highlight ownership of content and emphasise attribution when using OpenMe_ licenses. 


     Web Activity 4:  

    Adding to the concepts above, place all the doodles back into the hat. Then repeat the process above but this time focus on remixing the works. Maybe suggest pulling two images out of the hat and trying to get them to work together.

    Working in pairs/group? This task is easy to use as individuals within a whole class, or in pairs or small groups.

    Learning Objective: To demonstrate that the use of OpenMe_ Licenses can benefit a wider audience and be used in numerous different ways. 


    Web Activity 5:

    Ask the class to draw their own version(s) of the OpenMe_ License images contained within module 5 and then upload them as images to their "My Media" app. Encourage the learner to add the correct description to the uploaded image.

    Working in pairs/group? Encourage 'show & tell" sessions within pairs, small groups or even a whole class. 

    Learning Objective: To demonstrate an understanding of creative works and encourage creativity at an individual level. 


    So... how did these work for you? Would you like to share your experiences with us? Can you tell us what worked? Did you 'remix' these simple ideas in a new and exciting way?  Go on, share your creativity, we dare you!



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